

What's the price and how it’s calculated?

Price is calculated by adding the time of use of a car and kilometers driven or choose a trip package for a fixed price.

Pay as you go

The price of the trip is calculated by adding the time of use of the car and the kilometers driven.



Trip packages will help you save money, especially if you're planning a longer trip. By choosing a travel package, you'll pay less than travelling at the usual "pay as you go" price.

Price calculator


According to the information you provided, it would be cheaper to buy a package. Learn more in the app.

The price of this journey would be


The usage time starts from the moment of unlocking and ends when the car is locked with the mobile app. There is no need to pay for fuel or insurance.


*This is a preliminary price based on main services fees. Review the extra fees to see if there are any additional fees applicable for your trip.

The BeeChill fee of €[price] is included in the trip price calculations.

Car prices

1 minute
1 hour
1 day
1 km
1 week
4 weeks

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